15-07-16 148 Hits

Surviving The Final Bubble Review

I once was volunteering at an organization and a senior manager insulted me for no reason at all. I felt a huge amount of hate boil up inside of me, like it was bringing up all the anger and hate I had from my past with it. I went home and decided to write a letter to the CEO to express how I had been treated unfairly. I got on my computer and away I went. I wrote a two page letter and expressed my anger, hate and humiliation and request that this manager be reprimanded. Well, after I had finished writing the letter, ALL of my hate and anger was gone! I was amazed. I didn't feel like posting the letter, so I didn't, but I knew in that moment I found a new way to eliminate my inner hate.

This is a technique I was skeptical about at first, mainly because it was so simple I did not believe that anything so simple could eliminate feelings of anger and hate. Not only did this technique work incredibly well, the five basic sounds you sing out loud neutralize your negative feelings and then transform them into love! And the more incredible thing is, this self help technique takes only 15 minutes. You can learn how to apply this technique on yourself by listening to five free teaching videos. This technique is called Tibetan Sound Healing and there is a link below to these free teaching videos.
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