03-11-16 143 Hits

Fat Diminisher System
Belly fat, visceral fat, abdominal fat...whatever...can really only be effectively located and measured by MRI. One rule of thumb, however, is that if a man has a waist larger than 40 inches, or a woman has a waist more than 35 inches, they are probably carrying a dangerous amount of visceral fat. To make matters worse, if something is not done, visceral fat may accumulate at a rate of four pounds a year, and, above age 45 in men, 55 in women, the risks increase with age as well.

Some things, you just cannot do a thing about. Genetics, for example, accounts for anywhere from 30 percent to 60 percent of your tendency to accumulate belly fat. On the other hand, some things such as diet, level of activity (yes, I AM talking about exercise), and smoking are within your control and can be the deciding factors in the battle against abdominal fat.

Simply watching what you eat can be a step in the journey to rid yourself of belly fat, but it seldom works well by itself. While such actions as switching from saturated fats to unsaturated fats (corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, fish) can produce good results in helping reduce visceral fat, combating obesity at any level almost always involves a combination of healthy eating habits and regular exercise.

Studies show that regular exercise done at least five times a week for at least 30 minutes at a time is going to be the lowest level that can be used to reverse the accumulation of belly fat for most people. Lower intensity exercise or exercise done less often may stop the addition of abdominal fat, but will usually not reduce it. In fact, some studies have shown that as little as ten minutes a day could be enough to stop the accumulation of belly fat.
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