02-11-16 125 Hits

Adios Disfuncion Erectil
You probably don't have one of these so this wouldn't apply to you. But I have a roommate that has one... Which means that I HAVE ONE, too... Um, yeah. There's not too many ways to explain that one away. The scythe, which is a costume prop, is situated against a surfboard. Is it an odd combination? Sure. It's about time I put a cover on that; I'm tired of freaking my dates out when I bring them back to my place. They think they're going to get hacked up! I'm sure there are people who have had better experiences dating a random telemarketer than I have... I used to hit on pretty much every telemarketer that called my residence. Why? One could make the argument that I'm kind of a jerk and I like irritating people. Similarly one could also make the point that I'm painfully lonely and need to be heldI can only tell you that my date was a disaster when I struck gold and found a telemarketer who lived local to me. Ironically she worked for Greater Expectations; and I was quickly reminded of the Mad TV parody of this service. Folks. I'm not going to lie. This was an awful experience. As I was walking up to the restaurant I saw a, uh, "heroically" built woman of colossal stature. This was far more woman than a mere mortal man was meant to handle. I could have walked away at this point, but I didn't... Nope. I met my date, gave her a hug; rather attempted to.
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