Rakshana KS
31-08-16 150 Hits

This musical passkey is HFL Blood Sugar Optimizer better than saying affirmations. Why? It is because the vibrations of the actual music bring the message deeper into your being. It's like a massage to your psyche. The musical vibration allows the place where the beliefs reside to be loosened, allowing space for the old to be uprooted and lifted out of place, and allows the new beliefs a place to take root. The repetition of the song will help to form a strong pathway to this newer, more positive belief.

Also, the subconscious mind absorbs this information better when you are more relaxed and the brain is in an "alpha" rather than "beta" state. The addition of the musical accompaniment to affirming messages helps to induce this receptivity, thereby increasing the likelihood of the positive messages gaining access to the place where the beliefs reside.

You Have the Choice to Change and Be the Best You Possible

Now is the time to own, to really own your personal power. Now is the time to discard feelings and deep-seated beliefs of unworthiness or of feeling you can only have and do so much. You are only as limited as you believe you are. Bring this song into your innermost self and hear, and then sing its power to transform you.

You won't be disappointed. Do me a favor. Don't listen to the song once. Listen at least three times when you are not distracted, when you can take a few deep breaths and open your heart and mind to the richness of it. Let yourself imagine its power to transform some area of your life that isn't moving the way you'd like it to, an area or issue that feels 'stuck.'

Here's What People are Saying about This Song of Power:

"Standing ovation, Marcia! That was beautiful. Beautiful message, music and voices. Hope you're creating more."-Dr. Michael Norwood

"Total - head to toe goose bumps! It is beautiful. You've created something extraordinary."-Peggy McColl


Give yourself a gift for the New Year, a song to heal your soul. And, if you like it, tell others about it and write me with your comments.


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