19-11-16 134 Hits

"Once I was travelling in a train when a child snatched my locket and broke it open. The parents apologized for minutes, but the child was laughing and smiling all the time. I looked into the locket, and it was   Rebuild Hair Program empty. I reflected on it and realised, that happiness is in having nothing! It is in holding on to nothing! It is in letting go. Happiness is in simplicity. And it is the purest form of treasure, it is not seen by all, just like a truth covered in lies. And my destiny, my plan as decided by the gods, is to distribute this treasure throughout. You need to let go of the pain you've kept condensed inside. You need to cry with your brother, for as long as you want, but let him go in the end. Else the pain will hurt both and happiness will never bloom, for you or for him. You need to see the truth. You can cry now."
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