26-09-16 168 Hits

Gemini 2 Review

Before you step down to resolving the issue, there is something that you must be sure of, whether the problem is repetitive or is it occurring only once. Xbox 360 screen freezing has its major root in ventilation system. Most of the people use the console kept on the bed, couch and other cloth material which does not allow proper air exhaust, if you are doing this, you must stop. If this doesn't work, try disconnecting the accessories of Xbox and start from scratch, remove the hard disk too, and if its not working only after connecting the hard drive, then probably the problem lies with the hard disk, you can rectify by clearing the cache of the hard disk. Clearing hard disk cache is in "memory" and "device options". If this too does not solve the problem, create another gamer profile and see if the issue changes.

Sometimes the issue might be with the online game play. Thus determine this by extensively playing both online and offline. Sometimes it is the settings of the console which creates problem, if you have set it to PAL, change it to PAL 60 and see if you can notice any difference.Sometimes it is a simple disk issue. The disk you might be using can be scratched or written at a high speed, thus leading to incorrectly written binary. During these cases, the console tries to retrieve the data from the disk and hence gets your Xbox 360 screen freezing. The only solution for heavily scratched disc is a replacement. If there is dirt on the disc, get it cleaned and try again. By now you should know why your Xbox 360 screen freezing.
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