12-06-17 148 Hits

Whether or not a boat Kabbalah Manifestation Secrets takes on water will determine its vertical location. It's either above the water or beneath the water. Where is your self-confidence?

Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm no good at anything?" Or, "I can't do anything right." Both of these statements, and others like them, are generalizations that are 

reflective of a person's low self-confidence.

These are not correct statements because no one has tried to do everything. Therefore, such statements are illogical. If you are like me, there are many things that I 

can't do. In some cases, it's more accurate to say there are many things I won't do. I can't fly a plane and don't want to unclog a bathtub drain. It can also be said 

that I do not want to learn how to fly a plane.

So you see, often times it's a matter of "I won't" rather than "I can't." Then there are those things you would very much like to do, but try as you will you fail to do 

them. It may be that your failure is due to circumstances beyond your control or because you just don't have the necessary aptitude. Welcome to life!

"You always pass failure on your way to success." Mickey Rooney

There are numerous accounts of people with little education and few skills, who have achieved success. And, there are numerous people with great skills and education, 

who have never reached success.

When people say, "I'm no good at anything " they may just be using this as an excuse for not having to try to do something. No doubt about it, it's easier to give up 

than to persevere. If you're reading this article, it would seem that you are not ready to give up yet.

My bio states that I have been successful in some areas of my life. For obvious reasons, it does not list all my failures in life (maybe it should). I have never kept 

track, but I suspect my failures far outnumber my successes. It doesn't really matter though, because I have achieved success in several areas and it's worth all the 


If you're going to be successful, then failure will be one of your self-development courses. Learn to use failure to your advantage, instead of letting it crush you.

I don't believe in pumping up my readers using emotional tactics. I prefer to give you substance that will last you through the journey to success. You are not perfect, 

you will fail, you have character flaws, you might be lazy, you may be a procrastinator, you will run into roadblocks - I could go on, but I think you get the point.

Having a positive attitude is not all it's cracked up to be. Better that you should focus on people who have succeeded, many with more skills and a better aptitude than 

you, many with less. So if people with more and less to offer than you can succeed, then why can't you? This is logic, not hype.

If you're comparing yourself to the "beautiful" people of the world, celebrities and the like, you will get discouraged very quickly. Some of these people can inspire 

you, but they are not the starting point for your self-development. You are the starting point for your self-development.

Don't look to others to validate you as a successful person. Look inside and determine if you are using anything close to your potential for success. Victory is closer 

than you think.
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