11-07-17 128 Hits

Erectol is one of many male enhancement ED Eliminator pills that have been pulled off the market. The exact reason as to why it is no longer available, but there have been many complaints that the product did not produce the promised results. It was sold to men claiming that it helped men with erectile dysfunction. It was also targeted to men who are lacking sexual drive. Another benefit of taking these pills was that it increases the strength of the prostate, which is beneficial in many different ways for men.

The ingredients might have a lot to do with why Erectol was pulled off the market. All of the ingredients were natural, so it was not adverse side effects that prevented the success of these male enhancement pills. You also did not have to have a prescription in order to buy this product. After looking at the ingredient list, you will notice that it does not contain any effective ingredients in its formula. Most products will contain at least one key ingredient like Yohimbe or Epimedium and then also include many ineffective ingredients. With Erectol, not one ingredient is known to be productive or helpful in curing erectile dysfunction.

Erectol was to be taken orally in pill form, and claimed to be a very fast relief form of male enhancement. Consumers found that not only did it not work quickly in helping to achieve an erection, but also it did not work at all. The way it was designed to work was similar to many other pills on the market. It was supposed to promote blood circulation, and promote a healthy balance of your testosterone and hormone levels. If it was going to take this route in helping men, it should of used a proven formula with ingredients that have potent effects on helping men with erections, sex drive, stamina, and conditions like premature ejaculation.

Many products that are for sale in the male enhancement market are generally ineffective. This is because erectile dysfunction is such a wide spread condition amongst men, so many companies wanted to break into the market. The problem was these companies trying to take a piece of the market share did not make effective formulas that really work for men, so obviously men will speak out online about products like Erectol, and say they truly do not work at all. A product can't think it will last very long if it's formula does not help men overcome erectile dysfunction.
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