14-09-16 136 Hits

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise which helps strengthen the heart and lungs. The flow of blood and oxygen around the body is improved. Running also expands and contracts the arteries about three times more than when you are living an inactive lifestyle. It lowers blood pressure as well as promotes the elasticity of the arteries.The risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and the incidence of heart attack and stroke are significantly reduced. Aside from this, running being a weight-bearing exercise also 

strengthens the bones and increases bone density thereby also decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.In addition to the physical benefits one obtains from running, it also has a number of emotional and mental benefits. Studies have shown that people who regularly run have a happier and better 

disposition that those who don't. Running is a great way to relax and let go of stress. It gives you a better self-image and builds your confidence since it reduces body weight. Knowing that your legs are physically powerful to carry your weight forward, it makes you feel empowered. Some clinically depressed persons are encouraged to run as part of their treatment because it makes the mind more alert and determined.

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