24-04-17 116 Hits

Fresh Breath is a major How To Kiss Man To Make Him Fall In Love Review component to kissing. Brush your teeth regularly, which means three times a day for fresh breath. Keep a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss in your desk at work. Ladies should carry a portable set in their purse to freshen their mouth just before the five o'clock happy hour scene. If you are unable to brush, carry some peppermint gum or breath mints, they are also known to work well.

Good Hygiene is recommended before the magical French kiss. Cleanliness means to bathe or shower on a regular basis and use deodorant at least once a day. If you are a person that is anti-deodorant for whatever reason, try substituting a mild scented powder or baking soda to control body odor. Both men and women should stay away from heavy scented colognes and perfumes, this could ruin the kissing mood before it even starts. As an alternative look for pleasant scents for the body.

Setting your mood is very important to your first display of affection. My advice would be to find a quiet place, such as the living room, or den area. Turn on some love music that you both appreciate and sit down and briefly talk while holding hands. Holding hands will also set a calm and relaxed mood so that kissing will become natural.

Look into your partner's eyes and run your fingers through his hair. Softly touch his cheek with the tip of your fingers. Slowly run your fingers back and forth under his chin several times until you get to the lips. Once your fingers are near his lips, touch his lips and compliment the shape of the lips. Continue to the nape of the neck and earlobe with your fingers.
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