27-06-17 126 Hits

We are surrounded by high NutraTrim TrimFx Review calorie food and plenty of it. Everywhere we go we are served giant servings. Cafes and take-aways are competing with one another to get our business. 

They often do this by adding extras for our money and the extras are usually bigger servings or bigger drinks. Whatever they are, they are generally full of calories, which are 

adding to our stomach fat. It is easy to get used to eating these big portions when we are out so that we carry that through to our meals at home. Eating large meals becomes a 

habit so that we think we need a lot of food when we could do with less. The one step you can take to lose your stomach fat is to cut down on the portions.

Bigger Meals Means More Fat

The more you take in the more you have to take off. The simple rule is if you take in more than you are losing, you are going to get fat. If you are running or cycling it off or 

burning it off at the gym, then you will control it but if you are not, your stomach will get fat. If you are eating out a lot, there is a good chance you will be taking in 

trans fats, the really bad fats. They go to your stomach and provide no nutritional value. The bigger servings you get, which look good value, the more trans fats you are 

eating. In fact, the outlets are not doing you any favors but a great disservice.

Smaller Portions

Start by looking for smaller servings. Go for the smaller packages with the smaller drinks and the smaller burgers. If are have to buy the large sizes, don't eat it all. Start 

leaving some behind. If you are at a self-serve, don't pile up your plate to over-flowing. When get home cut down the portions. Use a smaller plate instead of a dinner plate. 

Many people have done this with success. There is some wisdom in the old advice to leave the table when we still want more. Most of us do not need all the food we eat but we do 

like our food, so we eat more. Controlling the urge to eat more is one step we can take to lose our stomach fat.

Drop One Pound A Week?

The average male takes in about 2600 calories a day and the average woman about 1900. A drop of 20% (or 1/5th) of the food you eat would be a little over 500 calories for men 

and 380 for women. You need to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound. That means if you could reduce your calories intake by 500 a day you would reduce you weight by 1 pound per 

week. Add exercise to that and you will reduce it more.
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