08-06-17 122 Hits

There's plenty of paradoxes The Devotion System Review in life, and getting gorgeous girls is no different.

If you try too hard, and focus too much out the desired outcome, you'll likely mess up.

Meaning you'll be so focused on every single thing she says, and all of her micro-movements and voice tone, while planning your expressions like a master chess player.

Unless you're some kind of stone cold super genius, this is REALLY hard to pull off. Sure, you can spend years practicing, and go back to your room every single time and spend 

another couple hours studying everything that happened, and then planning how to do slightly better next time.

Sure, this will work, but it will take a long time, and you will need to work through a lot of rejection.

On the other hand, what happens if you just let go and have some fun? After, talking to girls is pretty much our prime directives as man. It's pretty deeply programmed into our 

genes. Sure, if we were building some kind of machine, and we needed to take measurements everyday, that would be one thing.

But with any kind of human relationship issue, it's usually a good idea to simply let go and "trust the Force."

Sometimes the best thing you can do is simply let go, forget about the outcome, and have fun.

Consider this model next time you approach a girl. Don't try and get her number, or even her name.

Just set the intention of having fun. The more the better. As soon as the conversation becomes "un-fun" simply eject and go somewhere more fun.

Imagine the club or venue, (or wherever you are) is like an amusement park, and the girls are rides (no, not like that!)

Plenty of girls, plenty of opportunities for fun. Go over, smile, get something going, and have some fun.

The paradox is that if you try really really hard to number close any particular girl, it might not work.

On the other hand, if you just relax and ENJOY other people, without trying to get anything from them, they'll ENJOY you, and you'll find that they will go out of their way to give 

YOU contact information.

A great way to significantly make this a LOT more fun is to use language technology specifically designed to capture and lead their emotions and imaginations, so you can literally 

pull excitement out of thin air.

You'll be the guy going around giving excitement to everybody. The guy ALL the girls want to be with.

It's fun, and there's no chance of rejection, since you're not specifically looking for anything.
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