21-09-16 164 Hits

For those who have never experienced a health challenge, the idea that adjusting to the diagnosis and a treatment plan should be as simple as going to the medicine chest. They think that opening a bottle and taking a pill is the answer to all the problems. Unfortunately that's not the scenario for most tackling a health challenge so sensitizing friends and family to NutriO2  your "new normal" is important. Use the following ABC's as a guide to educating the world around you about your status and how to remove the social stigma that often accompanies illness.Adjustments Friends and family will need to be educated on the disease process. This is not general information you share with the whole world, only those you believe will be impacted on a regular basis. If you experience pain or fatigue during certain times of the day or following a treatment then let them in on the process.


 Make plans that fit your physical and emotional schedule. Too many patients feel that their friends and family become annoyed because you cancel plans often or at the last minute due to illness. Unfortunately if this is a pattern you begin to notice a reluctance by others to invite you to attend events or outings; this is why sharing your experience is important. They need to understand that this is not a personal cancellation, but at that moment the body is dictating the rules of the game.Balance Having a good balance between work (if you're still able to work) and play is important. Your circle may need to understand that going out both weekend days is too much so you'll have to make choices. Balancing energy is important. You may need to brainstorm with your friends about how to maximize the time you have to spend together. Maybe you decide to spend one evening at home watching movies and then you can make plans to go out another night. We have a finite amount of energy. When we expend all our energy at once it will take time to generate new social resources.
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