10.00 minza pk
08-08-15 224 Hits

We in fact we could actually do something trolls see and paste and save this equals this times 1.2 and let's fill that in chauvinist down so now we've basically done the same thing that we did within now have except we've done it in Excel and we can take  100 day loans individual numbers for example electricity inclining may not very all that much so we may want to say that just one isn't going to change so let’s remove multiplication and keep this one the same you can go through this in I and will and work all kinds of different things I'll because it in Excel since most of the people that are going to be working looking at this today are going to be in the financial area actually which although know how to use Excel let's rename this to be 20 9 be and might save workbook will call much worksheet and overwrite the existing now we need to close the excel file in fact .



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