jamie yon
03-09-15 218 Hits

Parties actually my mom got me this is a gift and this is a really cool and because it’s got this nice chunky chain its black on one side but luck the other side is this gorgeous turquoise colored um faceted stone and the Black is more of us lose sort of cover shot it's a little cloudy and everything so it's great I'm wearing it on the backside today feels so strange ready for clarity advanced eye treatment the world whether they happen this okay so this is just really casual terrific look and let me show you my shoes so if you don't have your Oxford spectators yet run out get care these are the coolest shoes up the season I love this trend reallydiggin it they are so comfortable I am these are from for I got them at Marshalls on sale they have loan fell laces and there in an oxford style so it has you know a ill on widow's peak with those spots cut it reserve.
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