10-06-17 135 Hits

When I started the engineering His Secret Obsession Review program in college, I was one of three women in a drafting class of almost 80. The downside? Feeling my minority status for merely being female. The 

upside? More offers to lunch and dinner than I knew what to do with.

But I ended up going to meals and study group after class with one of my female classmates. After the first exams, I was looking at the bulletin board looking for my score. I 

thought I heard my female classmate behind me. So I asked, 'Where do you want to go out to eat?' A male voice said, 'Anywhere you want to go.' We went to a fast food joint just off 

campus. We talked. I turned out that we'd actually been to a few campus events. He'd noticed me. I vaguely remembered a guy in a goatee hunched over a lap top in the corner at one 

event. We had friends in common that had never introduced us.

He'd thought of talking to me then, but thought we had nothing in common. Seeing me in drafting class, we both were engineering students. That was something in common. He knew of 

people we both knew. Yet he was reluctant. What if I said no? The fear of rejection prevented him from seeking acceptance. It was that one act of stepping out the comfort zone and 

into the unknown that finally made breaking the ice possible.

Fast forward ten years later. Seven years of marriage. Two kids. And a partridge in a pear tree. No, no partridges, but some nice trees in the back yard of our house. You can't go 

through life waiting for the man of your dreams to pop up and say, 'Hi. We're born to be together.' If you see someone who might be a match, ask! And don't overlook decent people 

who don't fit the latest laundry list of perfection.

I know too many women who had this scale for a dozen different measures. Must be this tall. Must be this handsome. Has to want kids, make so much money, be so perfect. And while 

waiting for a man with a 100 score to show up, they let a lot of decent hard working guys with passing scores pass them by.

And, too often, they hit 40 bitter and alone, having missed their soul mate because they didn't soul search their artificial construct of reality until it was too late. The man of 

your dreams may be right in front of you. Yet if you are lost in a dream world, or only measure men by the standards set to otherworldly standards, you may find that loneliness is 

your reality. The man of your dreams may be a reality, if you are willing to face it.
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