gerty uvdeig
17-07-17 120 Hits

[size=2][font=arial, sans-serif]CuraLin that everything's under control because at some point we're going to need to adjust her insulin levels and that's going to happen later on in CuraLin pregnancy so we want to make sure that everything is under control because once her blood glucose level starts exceeding this and it will if you don't change her insulin levels once it starts CuraLin exceeding this then we know we need to go off on our insulin for CuraLin USMLE you don't need to worry about dosages just have in your mind CuraLin general principle that she's going to become more insulin resistance as CuraLin pregnancy goes on okay so let's talk about type[/font][/size][size=2][font=arial, sans-serif] [/font][/size]
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