rocha pinto
19-07-17 158 Hits

For example listening to new songs and then trying to recall what was said, or switching on a news channel wherein a news reporter speaks in a completely different accent, then trying to understand the same and repeating it. Nooflex When you get your mind to work hard with the help of these games, you'll find that the memory powers will be enhanced to a great extent. And that right there is the sweet taste of success and a great memory as well. Short-term memory can also be called working memory as it helps us store events, people, and basically our everyday life's moments. It is called short term memory because the incidents and/or events are stored for a short period of time and they test our intelligence. You'd be surprised to learn that at one point, our short term memory helps us in remembering about 7, plus or minus 2, events or information.

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