Lovely Sonia
17-07-17 109 Hits

With the right investment dementia can be defeated"I know you're probably thinking from the title that this blog has something to do with Nooflex some type of sob story. No. Actually, SAD is the acronym for Seasonal Affective Disorder. What is Seasonal Affective Disorder you might ask? SAD is a form of depression that affects about 5% of adults, with 20% of people having some of the symptoms of this condition but not enough to actually be diagnosed for the disorder. SAD is a disorder that is seasonal and usually sets in around the fall and winter months when the days are growing shorter and there is less sunlight. Some people refer to it as the "winter blues." Although most people experience this only during the fall and winter months, there are some who experience it year round which is usually due to chemical imbalances in the brain. Not too long ago, sometime around the first part of August of this year, I was sitting in a restaurant eating while waiting for my husband to pick me up.

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