30-06-16 152 Hits

Such people are in the Probiotic America habit of taking these foods with a breakfast of cereal, with cream and sugar, egg on toast, stewed prunes and coffee, or some similar meal. Tomatoes should never be combined with any starch food. They may be eaten with leafy vegetables and fat foods.  found in tomatoes, (which are released and intensified by cooking), is very antagonistic to the alkaline digestion of starches in the mouth and stomach. They should not be used on salads at a starch meal. In cases of hyperacidity of the stomach, there is great difficulty in digesting starches. Much discomfort is caused by eating them. They ferment and poison the body. Acid-starch combinations are very rare in nature—the sour apple coming nearest to being such a combination. This means do not eat nuts, meat, eggs, cheese, or other protein foods at the same meal with bread, cereals, potatoes, sweet fruits, cakes, etc. The Earl of Sandwich is credited with having invented the sandwich—a modern dietetic abomination.
Probiotic America cause intestinal infection? Re@D Info here ======>>>>>> http://www.dermayouth.org/probiotic-america 
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