26-09-16 145 Hits

Sistema Libertad para la Disfuncion Erectil

Dry Skin. Let's say you're out for a run. A good SPF cream will take care of your skin right? While it's true the cream moisturizes and protects, you also need good fluid intake to keep your skin from drying. Even the best moisturizer can't keep the skin from drying because of dehydration.Cramps. If you're physically active, cramps are a good indicator that your fluids are on the low side. Muscles are composed of over 70 percent of water, imagine when you hit 40 percent or less because of sweating, muscles can cramp up. All that sweating depletes sodium and potassium levels as well, so besides water, a sports drink may be necessary.
Dry Mouth and Smelly Breath. Salivary glands use water to produce saliva, when there is a low supply, the glands reduce production significantly, leaving you with a dry mouth. But it does not stop there, the lack of saliva and warm environment promotes bacteria build up which then results in bad breath.
Headaches and Dizziness. There is a fluid sack which envelops the brain, protecting it from the impact of sudden blows. If the fluid sack's water level significantly decreases, expect severe headaches. Also, when you're dehydrated, there is a tendency for your blood pressure to decrease, leaving you dizzy. Some even experience disorientation.
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