19-11-16 113 Hits

Anticipation of events can make our stomach churn, our hands shake our hearts race and we feel jittery. Sometimes we anticipate something good like a holiday or Christmas other times it is something like an interview or hospital appointment or visit to the dentist where the results could be good of bad our tension is pretty much the same.Some people are said to "live on their nerves" and live in a state of tension all the time, like a spring stretched to maximum. They never know the peace and contentment of feeling relaxed. They never "go with the flow".As a small business owner, few things are more important than good productivity and effective time management. Unfortunately, these aren't always easy to achieve; especially when there's Facebook to check, blogs to read, and a steady stream of emails to reply to.Unlike Facebook and blogs though, email is something that no small business owner can or should avoid in the working day. The problems come when too much time is spent reading and rereading them while taking no action.As we use MailChimp for our email marketing campaigns, we're able to monitor our subscribers' email habits. A few of the trends we've noticed from looking at this information is rather shocking; some people are actually opening our emails on up to 21 separate occasions.

Assigning yourself a set amount of time for each task every day is a great way to ensure you don't spend too long on just one and neglect the others. You can even set aside times for getting your fix of the non-work 
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websites that are usually a constant temptation and distraction.One of the most popular time management systems is the Pomodoro Technique, a method of assigning yourself medium length blocks of dedicated work time, usually around twenty five minutes long, interspersed with short breaks of five or ten minutes.Giving yourself twenty five minutes of concentrated email time, perhaps two or three times a day if need be, will help to focus your mind on the task at hand, while giving yourself a guilt-free five or ten minute window to check Facebook or browse some blogs to refresh your mind in between.
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