Zinta Rani
06-02-17 214 Hits

Bothering to take care of your skin is not just for preserving a youthful, healthy skin, but your skin's health will have a marked effect on your body's health. The skin is a major organ that has many important functions to perform and if we do not look after the health of our skin, this can result in other, more serious health problems. Similarly, if you have health problems, these will be reflected on your skin. For example, liver problems can cause skin discolorations, as can kidney problems. The skin around the eyes is often tinged brown or black if there is liver or kidney disease. Jaundice is a well-known symptom of liver disease, for example hepatitis. Chronic dehydration will Lumanere Skin lead to dry wrinkly skin; chronic inflammation or infection can cause hypersensitivity of the skin. Skin problems can result from a deficiency of vitamin A, niacin, vitamin C and many other nutrients including several amino acids, a deficiency in dietary minerals, and so on. All the skin care products in the world will not make your skin look healthier or younger, if you do not look after and treat your internal health problems. 


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